Thursday, September 26, 2013

Challenge 1: Mexican Coke vs American Coke vs American Pepsi

I had my beautiful assistant administer a taste test for me. I wanted to see if I could tell whether I could tell the difference between 1. Mexican Coke and American Coke and 2. whether my preference for Pepsi was due to making a choice as a teenager based on marketing.

It's not a perfect test because as you can see, we've got 3 different types of containers here: aluminum can, glass, and plastic, which were poured into regular glass cups for the test. Also, the experiment was not double-blind and my positive-biased drink ended up on my left side (second drink tasted) both times.

ROUND 1: Mexican Coke / real sugar / glass bottle VS American Coke / HFCS / plastic
REAL WINNER: American Coke

That's right, in a head to head battle, I picked American coke. Hmmm.

ROUND 2: American Coke / HFCS / plastic VS American Pepsi / HFCS / aluminum can

This just confirms the fact that this blog is really for my reference only and no one else should pay attention to a thing I say here, because I don't even know what I like. All this time, I was sure I liked Coke better than Pepsi. To be sure I may do another test in the future, both from the same sort of container.

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