Friday, August 16, 2013

Jarritos Pineapple (bottle)

Next to the Mexican Coke in my local supermarket is an array of Jarritos sodas. Made in mexico, they boast clearly on the label that there is No Caffeine and No High Fructose Corn Syrup. I was wary, expecting these to taste horrible based on the unappealing fruit flavors they have and their low price point of 89 cents, but decided to give pineapple a shot.

I can't say that it really tastes like pineapple when you first take a drink, which is probably a good thing. You can definitely taste the pineapple flavor on the back of your tongue as a sweet aftertaste once you've swallowed. It's very light-tasting compared to popular fruit-flavor based sodas like Crush, but tastes even sweeter in the long run. Long after taking a sip your mouth feels sugary in a not-unpleasant way.

The carbonation is a bit strange. On alternate sips, I was ready to call it both lightly-carbonated and sharp. Maybe it is well-carbonated but the lighter flavor may dull some of the fizz you experience. I think you could chug the bottle and not get that that firey burn that a highly-carbonated cola like Diet Pepsi would inflict on you in one gulp. It could also be a matter of expectation, because looking at the product you kind of expect to taste something like one of those cheap juice barrels you used to get as a kid even though you know it is really a soda.

I will definitely buy this flavor again at some point, and now I am more confident to try the other Jarritos flavors.


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